Enrol - Our Lady of Dolours, Chatswood


Online enrolment enquiry form

Are you interested in looking at Our Lady of Dolours for your child? Just complete our online enrolment enquiry form and we’ll be in touch.

Enrolment packs can also be obtained in hard copy from the school office.

Enrolment Enquiry Form

Welcome to Our Lady of Dolours

The official enrolment period starts from our Open Day, usually held in the 1st week of March each year, and all enrolments are treated equally in accordance with the Enrolment Policy for Catholic Schools Broken Bay. Enrolments for all grades are also considered at other times of the year depending on vacancies, so it is never too late to enrol your child.

Parents/Carers and their child will be invited for an interview with the Principal or Assistant Principal  after the application has been received. The application must be accompanied by a copy of the child’s birth certificate and all documents outlined in the Document Checklist in the Enrolment Pack. parents and children born overseas will need to present passports and visas.

As soon as your application is processed you will be informed as to whether a place will be offered for your child. Should there not be a space available in the specified grade then applications may by placed on a waiting list. There will be three orientation mornings with an information meeting for parents in November prior to students commencing Kindergarten.

If you require further information please contact the school office. We look forward to meeting with you in the near future.

Enrolment Information Booklet