English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) - Our Lady of Dolours, Chatswood

English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D)

Our Lady of Dolours is a highly multicultural community with families from all corners of the globe. Many of our students have a Language Background Other Than English (LBOTE), approximately 80%. This means that a language other then English is spoken at home. The student, one or both of their parents, or another primary caregiver may use another language.

EAL/D learners are a subset of LBOTE students. Around 50% of all students at Our Lady of Dolours are learning English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D). These students may require additional support to access the curriculum and develop academic English language proficiency required for success at school.

EAL/D learner include Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students who speak Aboriginal English or an Aboriginal language at home, students who were born in Australia or come from overseas as migrants, international students and students from refugee backgrounds. EAL/D leaners may begin school in Australia at any age. EAL/D learners come from a range of backgrounds, prior schooling experiences and levels of academic ability.

At Our Lady of Dolours, we have an EAL/D Coordinator who assists students and staff to provide equitable access to the curriculum. Our aim is to support students to grow their interpersonal communications skills and develop high levels of academic proficiency. All support for students happens within the classroom setting, with all students learning together with their peers.


New Arrivals support targets EAL/D students in primary schools by providing funding for additional staffing allocations.

The funding provided by the New Arrivals Program allows schools to employ teachers to provide targeted support for newly arrived EAL/D students. It is designed to assist students to develop their English language skills so they may access the curriculum, successfully participate in learning alongside their peers in mainstream classes and engage confidently in the broader community.

Access to the program is subject to certain criteria and visa conditions. Once enrolled the school will make an application to Catholic Schools Broken Bay to see if a student is eligible for additional assistance.